jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

We are a Band

This year we had the chance to hear a song called our attention in our writing class. This song is “We are a band” of Audio Adrenaline. This song talks about all the things that Christ has done for us and with it you can also feel all the love of Christ. It also gives us the message that he will return to earth as a king and that we will be ready to receive him. This song united us as good classmates and friends. We will always remember the great moments that we had while we were singing the song “We are a band”.
We want to thank Miss Raquel for giving us and share with us this great song. Thanks for everything!

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

The Analects

Confucius was a wise Chinese philosopher. He was born June 19th, 551

B.C. at Shang- ping. He always showed love of learning and veneration for

the ancient laws of his country.

Confucius dedicated to philosophical study. He created a complete ethical

system exhibiting in his own person all the virtues he inculcated in others.

The following ideas are a small part of his vast knowledge and wise teachings:

· He said, “A young man’s duty is to behave well to his parents at home

and to his elders abroad”.

· He said it was important to govern people by moral force instead of by

regulations and to keep order by ritual instead of doing it by punishments.

That way people would keep their self-respect and go to you on their own


· Master said, Behave in such way that your father and mother have no

anxiety about you except your health.

· “In old days men studied for the self-improvement; nowadays men

study in order to impress other people.
I got really impressed with his thoughts. There are all amazing but simple

at the same time. Our world would be much better if we all try to practice

the values he taught. Confucius’ moral principles will never be

old-fashioned; I really consider them the strong basis for any society

to live in peace. I find the respect is an essential value that we should all

practice every day and any time. I also found that rulers all over the world

follow this: “ To demand much from oneself and little from others is the

way (for a ruler) to banish discontent.


Panchatantra is a fable that really changes the way you think because it makes you realize that it does not matter if you are small or if you have any handicap. The only thing you need in order to succeed is to believe in yourself and things will work out in your life.

For example in Panchatantra it shows this when the rabbit, which was really small, went looking for Numskull in order to defeat him. If we look this closely killing Numskull was an epic task to the rabbit, because of his size but he did not get scare, he faced his fate and he believed in himself so he went to trick Numskull in order to kill him and so he did.

And by doing that, because of one person’s courageous action all the kingdom was in peace. So if we step out and make a courageous action it does not matter if it is little or a big one we can accomplished great things.